Monday, August 20, 2007

Stay on top of your Blogs.

Today I decided to change the text color to green.


Monday got started late today due to a rain delay, however with players going off 1 and 9 we should be able to get the round in.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Why are they called blogs?

The origin lies in the shortening of the word weblog. Today I am webloging a great and a night that has yet to begin.

Friday, August 17, 2007


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday…. there is no Someday.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Soundproof Apartment Complexes

I think there should be sound proof apartment complexes... so you can enjoy your music, while others don't have to... this is a matter to freedom... freedom from other people forcing sound waves on you ... completely uninvited.

My neighbor woke me up today with her blaring techno music. This is not the first time either.

I bet the builder of this building built this piece sound proof... or with "sound proof" insulation, which is, what makes a wall sound proof. If this is true then how loud is that techno music on the other side of the wall...?

Maybe she is hosting some sort of private half hour morning rave.

Dananimal thoughts